森「あんずの里」の花、そして天皇陛下、お疲れ様でした。 Mori's Apricot Flowers as well as the Emperor have Come and Gone

2013.04.16: 季節 Seasons




On April 16th, I drove through Mori "Apricot Village" but for the most part, all the apricot blossoms are already gone. The Apricot Blossom Festival was scheduled to go through the 21st, but the flowers finished early this year. Even the apricot soft ice vendor seemed to be closed.

Actually, Japan's Emperor and Empress visited mori on the 15th to see the flowers. Their timing was unfortunately a bit too late. Even on the 16th, there was still a strand of apricot trees in bloom on the windy mountain road that crosses Miyasaka Pass over to Togura. But I doubt it would be proper to take the Emperor on such a road. Mori is still pretty to see even without the blossoms. I really like its relaxed, rural feel. I'm sure the Emperor was able to appreciate the peacefulness of the setting.

Apricot Blossoms by Miyasaka Pass on April 16th


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