戸倉の節分草情報: 今は満開! Togura 'setubunsou' flower Update: Full Bloom!

2011.04.03: 季節 Seasons

Photo courtesy of Peter Ninnes




With this year seeing cold temperatures continuing for longer than normal, our town's trademark flowers, the apricot blossoms in Mori, haven't started blooming yet. On the other hand, one of our lesser known flowers, the setubunsou in Togura's Kitty Park have also been delayed and are actually in full bloom right now.

My buddy Peter Ninnes sent these pictures today of the setsubunsou in peak form. They are a petite plant, with tiny 5-cm small white flowers featuring bright yellow stamen and purple stigma. A very photographic flower -- if you can find them. And they are very rare. We are fortunate to have a grouping of them here locally. Now is a great chance to come and see them.


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