子供たちをセツブンソウに連れてみた Taking the kids to see the setsubunsou flowers

2010.03.14: 季節 Seasons

Togura setsubunso






Setsubunsou is a tiny little wildflower with pretty white petals and a colorful yellow and purple center. Not only is it preciously cute and small, but it is a rare flower as well.

Above nearby Togura Station, there is a park that has a patch of setsubunsou. A volunteer group maintains a path and keeps the wildboars away, so camera enthusiasts and flower fans can come and take pictures and enjoy the pretty little flowers.

Today I took our kids to go see the Tengu Park setsubunsou. Although it was clear today, there was a definite winter chill in the air. The hillside where the flowers are was covered by snow even just a couple of days ago, but the snow was gone and the flowers were in bloom. After climbing the path a half mile or so (and getting nice and muddy in the process - the kids loved that!), we reached the spot. I was worried that the kids wouldn't appreciate the flowers, but our sons, who reached their first, greeted Misaki and I excitedly, "Daddy, look at the flowers!"

The Togura setsubunsou flowers are expected to continue blooming through the March 21st/ 22nd holiday weekend, so if you are in the area, come and check them out!

Misaki looking at the flowers

Kenny looking at the snow-covered Alps in the distance


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