千曲川のつけばに訪ね Visiting one of the Chikuma River Tsukeba fish shacks

2011.07.04: 季節 Seasons

Maruken fish shack





This time of the year, the Chikuma River takes on a unique look as the fishermen wade into the river and use their amazingly long rods to fish for ayu. This year, however, the ayu population has been depleted by tsuyu (rainy-season) swollen currents as well as hungry cormorants. But lately I've started to see a few fishermen in the river, so perhaps the ayu presence has stabilized.

Yesterday, I took our kids for a bike ride along the river to visit one of the fishing shacks. I love the laid back feel of these 'tsukeba' shacks where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the riverside scene and the cool breeze.

There are 2 types of tsukeba: fishing shacks like this one, and ones that serve multi-course ayu cuisine. If you are interested in checking out one of the fishing tsukeba, Kamesei's favorite is Maruken in neighboring Sakaki Town. Call 0268-82-2243 and say 'moshi-moshi' to Toyama-san.


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