長野マラソンx2 Two Nagano Marathons

2010.04.20: 長野に来る理由 Reasons to Come to Nagano

Nagano Marathoners at the 32km mark


Last Sunday, the Nagano Marathon was held in Nagano City, with a course that snakes around the various Olympic venues. We had several guests stay at Kamesei that competed in the event. They were quite an international bunch: from Singapore, France, the States, and the UK.
Then a Japanese couple arrived in the evening. They looked like they had ran a marathon, too. But they said it had been a walk -- an 80+ km walk from near Kiyosato in neighboring Yamanashi Prefecture to Saku City. And they walked it during the night! Wow!
Next month, on May 5th, our town will hold its annual 30km walk from Togura Kamiyamada Onsen to Zenkoji temple in honor of the "Pulled by an ox to Zenkoji" legend. It had always felt like a long walk, but it's only 30km, and is held during the daytime.
Nakamura-san, good job!

Leng Leng and friends with a post-marathon hanami

Good Job, Nakamura-san!


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