In Nagano City's Matsushiro district, there is a mysterious mountain called Minakami-yama. It's set apart from the neighboring mountains and has a distinct geological makeup. Some theories behind the mountain is that it is a pyramid, or perhaps a base for UFO's.
The other day, our family drove up to the top to see what was up there. The narrow road to the top winds through a thick forest before it levels out on the plateau at the top of the mountain. After driving up the steep mountainside, it is surprising to find farm fields, houses, even a golf course at the top. And crowning the mountain is an ancient shrine, whose main building dates back to the 15th and 16th centuries. The ornate wood carvings on it are amazing.
Next to the shrine were some mysterious ponds that are breeding grounds for salamanders. This would be common at high elevation marshes up in the Alps, but not down here on the Zenkoji Plain.
We ended up not seeing any UFO's on Minakami-yama, but we did catch a sight of some cool salamanders!
皆神山の伝説の紹介は下記のビデオにて。 For more on Minakami-yama's mysteries, check out this video: