つまり、川で遊んでおいで♪ …との事。
During my recent trip to Komagane in southern Nagano Prefecture, I stopped at the Komagane Farms visitors center. Behind the center crossing the Odakiri River is a grand suspension walking bridge, Komakusa-bashi. On the other side is the Mori to Midori Outdoor Experience Park. With a alpine flower garden and a climbing wall, I thought the park definitely deserves another trip for further exploration.
Then I spotted a sign by the river. Instead of "Dangerous -- Do Not Enter", it said "Enter at Your Own Risk". In other words, "Come play in the river!" Here in conservative Japan! What a refreshing concept.
I can't wait to come back this summer with our kids to play in the river!
駒ヶ根市・早太朗温泉 Komagane City Hayataro Onsen
森と緑アウトドア体験広場 Mori to Midori Outdoor Experience Park