稲荷山ウォーキング Inariyama Walking

2009.06.28: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

蔵し館でスタートStarting at Kurashikan

Chikuma City's Inariyama district has an image problem. The city's Tourism Department is trying to sell Inariyama as a "kura" (historical warehouse) neighborhood on par with Mori's apricots, Obasute's rice fields, and Togura-Kamiyamada's onsen. However, tourists who go see Inariyama are inevitably disappointed because there are so few kura left in good shape. A lot of the earthen walls are disentegrating, or getting covered up by aluminum siding, or getting torn down entirely and replaced by Western-style housing.
Today, the Inariyama Town Preservation Group held an event called "Inariyama Watching". Izumi-san from Inariyama Juku Kai led about 30 of us on a walking tour, pointing out the neighborhood's history and the remaining classical kura spots. Amongst the dilapedation are some very impressive examples of kura architecture. Especially on some of the narrow side streets.
One of the older residents remarked he wished this type of effort had started 20 years ago.

浦の小道から見る蔵 Kura as seen from one of the back streets

回向柱に負けない長いハリ A post as long as Zenkoji's "Ekobashira"

元豆腐屋さんの煙突 An old tofu shop's chimney

木と石:明治フュージョン Wood and Stone: Meji-era fusion


Wavy eaves -- disentegrating, but cool.

浦の小道 One of the narrow backstreets

特徴な2階の部屋の窓 Unique windowed-2nd Floor kura

Post-walk okonomiyamaki lunch at Silky


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