祭り女: 上山田温泉夏祭りは今週末! Matsuri Mom: Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival is this weekend!

2009.07.14: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada


Normally when our town's biggest event, the Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival, comes around, I'm the one that gets the craziest. I love 'matsuri' (Japanese festivals). This year's festival will be held this weekend. On Saturday, I will be participating in the geta 'offering' ceremony with the other junior innkeepers, then joining the Okagura group to parade through the town doing the lion dance. On Sunday, it will be "Dokkoi-dokoi-dokoi" time, as I will be going crazy inside the huge festival shi-shi lion.
However, this year, my wife Mari will have a bigger role in the festival. She's in charge of the Minyoren dance parade, which means directing upwards of 500 people in a massive dance procession. Mari's a bit nervous, but me and the kids are cheering her on!

上山田温泉夏祭りの詳しくはこちらClick here for details on Kamiyamada Onsen's Summer Festival


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