温泉タウンのビジョン発表に拍手 Applause for Onsen Town Proposal

2011.01.14: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Onsen Town Proposal





Togura Kamiyamada's civic improvement "Kara Koro" Association has been having Mr. Charisma Tourism, Yamada Keichiro-san come once a month to re-shape the movement, making the right connections to create an onsen that guests can enjoy and that provides a prosperous society for the people living here.

One of the key factors is to have a strong "Vision", something that everyone can agree to. Not one that the higher-ups decide themselves and force upon everyone else, but one that everyone can see as something worth working towards.

During yesterdays gatherings, I got a few minutes to present my "Onsen Town" vision proposal. With many of the participants this time being from neighborhoods outside of the onsen, I was worried about how the onsen-centered proposal would be received. Some people did ask "Why the focus on just the onsen area?" But my proposal ended in applause, so it seems that most everyone understood that a strong onsen town would have positive effects on the nearby areas.

Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada.

Making it happen, one small step at a time!


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