日本プロバスケの新しいチーム、信州Brave Warriorsの初ホームゲーム。場所は何と戸倉体育館。我が亀清旅館からちゃりんこで5分。身長2mの私よりでかいプロ選手の試合がこんなに近くて見れて、最高!
応援したお蔭(?)で、Brave Warriorsが勝ちました。次のホーム試合@戸倉が12月3日・4日です。楽しみだ!
Pro Basketball has come to Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. The new Basketball-Japan Leauge "Shinshu Brave Warriors" had their first home game right here in our onsen town. Togura Gymnasium is a quick 5 minute bike ride from Kamesei Ryokan.
The kids and a buddy of mine rode our bikes down and cheered on the home team. It was so great to be able to watch these huge pro players (some were even taller than me -- and I'm 6'7" tall!) muscling there way through the game. There were more than a few viscious slam dunks -- and we took it all in from basically courtside seats. Awesome!
I cheared so much my throat hurt for 2 straight days. It soon became painfully apparent that cheering at hoops games in America is very different from in Japan. But I figured, basketball is from the States, I'm from the States, I've been to my share of hoop games in the States, heck, I've even played in my share of games in the States, so my cheering must be right and everyone else's wrong. So I kept cheering on like I would back at home. But then it hit me -- at the "Hey" song, I was the only one to pump my fist and shout "Hey!". Come on people, there's only one word to the song so it's not hard to learn the lyrics!
Anyways, perhaps in part due to my cheering, the home team won. Congratulations, Brave Warriors!
Next home game at Togura is December 3rd and 4th. Can't wait!