上山田温泉夏祭り写真:お昼の分 Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival Pic's: Daytime

2010.07.18: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Handling the shi-shi


This is the huge shi-shi lion from our Kamiyamada Onsen Summer Festival. In the past, I was inside the shi-shi, trying to knock over the guys in the black happi coats on the outside. This year I got moved up (?), and was one of the guys getting knocked over. Please indulge me as I share some pictures from my first year as a shi-shi lion handler.

Pictures by son Andy and "senpai" Kodaira-san.

"Opening Ceremony" blessing of the water god

Okagura performing in Kamesei's lobby

The shi-shi starting to wake up

Geisha in the tower

One of the omikoshi

Ear-flapping frenzy

"Handling" the shi-shi


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