プロの旅行記者によって、戸倉上山田温泉の見直し A Pro Writer's Take on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen

2011.05.28: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Willow tree-lined main street



文章の中でもう1つなイメージは私にとって印象的:「柳並木の温泉中央通りを歩く。足湯や飲泉所…」 正直って、私はこの柳並木をあまり認識していなかった。外から来たくせに、当たり前様に思っていたかもしれない。でも、中尾さんの文書をを呼んで、中央通りの柳の木は千曲川と周辺の山々と並べて、戸倉上山田温泉の全体の「自然」の重要な部分である。中尾さんの記事のお蔭で、自分の温泉街を見直しました。

Last fall, Chikuma City invited a group of travel writers to our town. One of them, Nakao-san, had an article published in a train industry newspaper. A buddy of mine who works for JR recently gave me a copy of the article.

It was encouraging to see a feature article on Togura Kamiyamada Onsen by an industry writer . The article was titled "An Onsen Town Along the Chikuma River". According to the article, Nakao-san was particularly impressed by the birdseye view from Arato-jo, the mountain fortress behind the town, of the town and the meandering Chikuma River that curves back and forth down the middle. 'Chikuma' means 'a thousand bends', and seeing the view from the castle, Nakano-san finally understood where the name comes from.

For me, another image from his article stands out. He talks about going for a walk along Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's main street and enjoying the willow trees that line both sides.

I have to admit, I've been overlooking just how nice those willow trees are. Along with the river and the surrounding mountains, the willow trees provide a strong presence of natural beauty to our town.

旅行記者の中尾隆之さんの詳しくはこちらClick here for Nakao-san's profile.


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