Never Give Upの私は色々と動いて、同時に行う予定の荒砥城祭りの実行委員長と話したら、「ハロウィーンが無いと困る」と。結果で言えば、今年はハロウィーンin戸倉上山田温泉が荒砥城祭りの一貫として行います。予定通り、10月18日(日)。トリックorトリート、かぼちゃランタン作り、仮装コンテスト、そしてお化け屋敷は予定通り、行います。
The Chikuma Int'l Cultural Exchange Assoc. has been putting on a Halloween Party for the past 12 years. I have been the organizing chairperson for the past 3. Last year we had 250 kids having a lot of fun here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. This year, the Association decided to cancel the party due to the Swine Influenza.
Cancel Halloween? There's 250 kids looking forward to getting spooked again! Even if half of them catch the flu, that's still over a hundred disappointed kids out there.
You know me and my 'never give up' attitude, I made a bunch of contacts including to the Arato-Jo Festival organizers, who are planning their event for the same day. They agreed to take Halloween under their wing, so we're going to have the party as planned on Sunday 18-October. Trick-or-treating, costume contest, pumpkin carving and a haunted house.
We are looking for ghosts to help out. If interested in volunteering, feel free to contact me!