Takizawa-sensei explaining Sarashina Shrine's Important City Artifact, a tomb made by the area's people before they left to fight the Sengoku Wars. Note: BEFORE they departed, meaning they knew their 'departure' would be permanent. 更科神社の市登録重要文
詳しくはカラコロにぎわい協議会の事務局:千曲市観光課 Tel(026)275-1753
Takizawa-sensei, the leading historian of the Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen area, led a historical walk this morning. He explained the Warring States Era and Meiji roots from the Sarashina and Onsen areas, as well as some nostalgic stories of his generation from the pre- and post-war eras.
The purpose of today's walk was to start to train the next generation of historians and guides, to pass Takizawa-sensei's knowledge down to the future.

Entrance Pillar to Sarashina Shrine, with engraved reference to Meiji Scholar Zozan -- the origin of the "Sarashina" Place-Name 更科神社の入り口;象山の文章が手彫りで書いてあって、「更科」の地名の元

Old entrance to the tunnel connecting To-Kami and Sarashina; Closed off after road around was built.更科・戸上の間のトンネルの古い入り口