千曲市10周年「ワールドミュージック」際で尺八ネプチューンさんと出会い Meeting Shakuhachi Player John Neptune

2013.10.20: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada



On the 20th, the Chikuma Int'l Cultural Exchange Assoc. presented a World Music Festival in conjunction with the city's 10th anniversary of the merger that created it. As a member of the association, I went to check out the music, and was fortunate to get to hear John Kaizan Neptune and his shakuhachi playing.

I so loved his music that I bought one of his CD's and now have it playing here in Kamesei Ryokan's lobby, so all of our guests can enjoy it.

ジョン海山ネプチューンJohn Kaizan Neptune


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