経理を始まった Starting to do the Accounting

2009.08.23: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

旅館の若旦那と言うのはある意味、楽です。大体、社長が経理を管理してくれて、自分はその数字を把握しなくて良いから。うちの女将社長がもう76歳(?)になるので、体が仕事を覚えたように元気でやっています。しかし、孫の面倒を見たりして、段々と疲れてきたようです。自分と若女将の世代はそろそろ・・・ と言う事で、経理を始めました。

もう一方では、友人からこういう言葉を頂きました:「タイラーのぶろぐから 沢山元気をもらっているから。。。 ありがとう・」そう言われたら、嬉しいですね。

Warning: Boring Blog Entry
Last week, our accountant came and installed some new software on our computer. He taught Mari and I how to input Kamesei's accounting data. She and I split the duties, and have been putting in all the figures from 01-Aug, the beginning of our fiscal year.
In a family business, the children have a relatively simple job because the parent/owner usually handles all the accounting. Mari and I want to start managing the money to get a better understanding of Kamesei's financial situation. That, and our boss (her mom) is starting to feel the exhaustion of running the inn as well as watching the grandchildren. So Kamesei Ryokan is entering a switch of the generations, a change in the guard.

Normally this blog focuses on sharing fun info about our inn, this Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen town, and Nagano Prefecture as a whole. Every once in a while, though, I like to write about landmark events in my life here, such as "Starting to do the Accounting".
The Access numbers for this blog average over 1500 per day. I am grateful so many people take the time to read it. And I am curious as to what it is that attracts everyone.
During O-Bon, one guest said, "I read your blog. You know, you should work on updating it more regularly." (The blog's calendar shows entries for every day, but in actuality I do the updating a few times every week.) Well, seeing as how I'm not a professional blogger and can only update it when my innkeeping work allows, this is a problem that is not going away.
On the other hand, a good friend of mine recently wrote, "Tyler, I get lots of 'genki' (happiness) from reading your blog -- Thank you." I was really pleased to see that.
That makes me realize that a blog isn't only for sharing info, it's also for sharing happiness!


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