温泉塾: 座敷遊び Onsen Jook: Geisha Games

2011.12.28: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Takeshi-san and Harukoma-san performing for Onsen Juke





After the 'Onsen Juke' tea session, next up was a session on geisha. We invited Harukoma-san (shamisen) and Takeshi-san (dance) to our end-of-the-year banquet. Part of the evening was dedicated to geisha parlor games.

Following the two geisha performing a few seasonal song and dance routines, we junior innkeepers partook in 'Konpira' and other drinking games. I have been fortunate enough to have experienced a bit of these parlor games at banquets at Kamesei. For most of my fellow proprietors, though, it was their first experience. And they loved it!

In order for us to suggest geisha entertainment to our guests, it is best if we ourselves have personally partaken in the fun. So hopefully this session of Onsen Juku will result in us innkeepers being more proactive in supporting the geisha guild here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and having guests enjoy geisha entertainment more.

上山田戸倉芸寮組合 Kamiyamada Togura Geisha Guild


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