松之山流の町興し まんま Matsunoyama-style: Manma

2012.12.29: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

Manma's office


What do you do if travel agents refuse to sell your town's optional tours? Well, if you are Matsunoyama Onsen, you create your own travel agent! 8 local inns pooled their money together and set up Manma. In conjunction with some local guides, Manma has been successfully selling snowshoe and other tours, and is even turning a profit.
The other day, my fellow junior innkeepers from Togura Kamiyamada made a study trip to Matsunoyama. One reason I took everyone there was to show them Manma. We have a lot of work to do still for our onsen town.



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