
2010.11.25: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

My fellow research group members at the convention hall



注:下記の写真はプロカメラマン石郷岡 修宏様から頂きました。(良い写真を頂いて、感謝しております。)

Today I am Shimane Prefecture for the once-every-two-years Ryokan Junior Association's national convention. Approximately 800 junior innkeepers from throughout the country are gathering here in Matsue City. For these past two years, I have been participating in a research committee, and today is when we make our presentation in front of everybody.
Here are some scenes of the big event.

NOTE: Pictures below are courtesy of pro cameraman "Ishi"-san.

Recruiting Attendees

Giving my 2 cents at the main Discussion


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