連続講演 #1: 渡辺先生 1st of 3 Days of Seminars: Watanabe-sensei

2012.12.10: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi

The suave, sophisticated, and severe Watanabe-sensei

三日間連続のの講演の1つ目: 長野県旅館組合主催で経営コンサルタントの渡辺清一郎先生。BSの読み方、銀行との対策、金融業界の最新の動き、等など。

1st of 3 straight days of Seminars: ryokan business consultant Seiichiro Watanabe, sponsored by the Nagano Prefecture Ryokan Association.
Watanabe-sensei talked about Balance Sheet issues and how to deal with bank negotiations, as well as new developments in the financing industry.
When I first came to Kamesei Ryokan 7 years ago, the money we owed the banks was twice our annual revenues. Since then, thanks to building 3 outdoor baths and making improvements to the guestrooms and gardens, we've seen a gradual increase in guests. Meanwhile, we have been diligently paying back the banks. Now our debt and annual revenue figures are reversed.
Watanabe-sensei's talk still discussed many areas to be careful about. I am grateful for the Ryokan Association to sponsor the talk, and for Watanabe-sensei's knowledgeable advice.


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