お勧めの登山: 東御市・千曲川を見下ろす烏帽子岳 Recommended Climb: Mt. Eboshi Overlooking Tomi City and the Chikuma River Valley

2022.09.05: 信州の山 Nagano’s Mountains


Mt. Eboshi is a relatively easy-going climb from a very convenient trailhead (Tomi City’s Yunomaru plateau, a convenient 45 minutes by car from our Kamesei Ryokan). The view from the 2066m peak overlooks Tomi and the Chikuma River Valley below, and along the way there’s a marsh with a boardwalk, a treasure trove of alpine flowers, and reminders of ancient volcanic activity.


Mt. Eboshi’s distinctive 2-pronged peak is a prominent feature of the skyline in Ueda City (especially the Maruko District) and of course Tomi City. Its relatively tall height means it’s one of the first mountains in the area to be covered in snow in the winter. “Eboshi” refers to the high-peaked hat worn by nobility in the ancient Heian Era for ceremonies. The ascent is relatively mild hence the trail is popular with schoolchildren as well as elderly climbers. On our first climb we passed a group of over 100 elementary students. This time we met a guy in his 70s that climbs Eboshi several times a week. (His advice: May and June are best for seeing Mt. Fuji from the peak.)

烏帽子岳 Mt. Eboshi 2066m

登山道長さ Trail Length 3.8km 片道 + return

標高差 Elevation Gain 366m

登り Ascent 1:45, 下り Descent 1:30

体力 Level of Exertion ⚫️◯◯

難度 Level of Difficulty ⚫️◯◯

景色 Views / Sights ⚫️⚫️⚫️

表記 Signage ⚫️⚫️◯

登山口 Trailhead 🚘Px100+ 🚾有りYes

湯の丸から見る烏帽子 Mt. Eboshi as seen from Yunomaru
登山口近くの臼窪湿原 Usukubo Marsh near the trailhead
唐松と笹の世界 World of aspen trees and bamboo grass
苔の世界 World of Moss
最初の分岐点 (表記の距離は統一して欲しい)First trail split
烏帽子と湯の丸山の間の鞍部 Col between Mt. Eboshi and Mt. Yunomaru
火山の赤土 Red Volcanic Soil
背景に塩田平と千曲川 Chikuma River Valley in the distance
烏帽子岳の頂上 Mt. Eboshi’s summit

廻り道: 湯の丸山。Side Trip Up Mt. Yunomaru


If climbing Mt. Eboshi wasn’t enough exercise for you, from the col (1850m) you can take the short but steep 800m long trail to the top of Mt. Yunomaru (2101m). You’ll get your exercise in addition to a well-deserved sense of accomplishment. The trail back down to the parking lot at Jizo Pass goes through an azalea field as well as one of the ski slopes (watch out for cow paddies as the slope is used for grazing in the green season). Mountain weather tends to be fickle — on our descent we were suddenly enveloped in fog. Use caution and be prepared!

Mt. Yunomaru summit
厳しい勾配に霧 Steep trail with fog

立ち寄り湯: 湯の丸高原ホテル Post-Hike Onsen: Yunomaru Kogen Hotel

登山口である地蔵峠に湯の丸高原ホテルがあって、日帰り入場が可能。塩素の匂い無く、山の自然を楽しめる露天風呂あり、汗を流すのに最適だ♪ Located at the Jizo Pass trailhead, Yunomaru Kogen Hotel allows day-use of its onsen baths. The outdoor bath has an especially lovely setting, and is perfect for washing away the sweat and dust from the hike.


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