第2ラウンド、その3:斉藤さんの知恵(と機械)でタンク設置 Round 2; Placing the Fuel Tank with some help from neighbor Saitoh-san

2008.09.22: その他 Miscellaneous


The next step in making the outdoor bath for the Ladies' side was to somehow lift the 500 liter kerosene fuel tank into its containment box. Most people would probably rent a crane and do it, but our neighbor, Saitoh-san, said he has a block-and-tackle set up that would do the trick. So we got the machine into place, and managed to do it. I won't pretend it was easy (and there was certainly an element of it being better to be lucky than good!), but I feel a sense of achievement by doing it by our own physical power.


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