アメリカで日系スーパーがあります。シアトルやポートランドならUwajmaya,サンフランシスコやロサンゼルスならNijiya, Mitsuwa, Marukai.こういうお店で戸倉上山田温泉産の品物が販売されたら、我が温泉の知名度が上がり、訪ねてくることと結ぶのではないかと思います。
They say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. There are several Japanese supermarkets overseas. In Seattle and Portland, there is Uwajimaya. In San Francisco and Los Angeles, there is Nijiya, Mitsuwa and Marukai. What if we were able to get some of our local products from Togura-Kamiyamada to be sold at those markets? I think it would raise awareness about our town, and perhaps lead to people to come to visit.