本日のFM長野のお昼番組「千曲市浪漫紀行 すいっちばっく姨捨」(2月28日の12:00-12:49)に千曲市の代表的な方シリーズでなんと、亀清旅館の青い目の若旦那(=私)のインタービューが放送される予定です。
Today's FM Nagano lunchtime program "Switchback Obasute" will feature an interview with Kamesei Ryokan's Blue-Eyed Proprietor (= me!) as part of their on-going series about outstanding people in Chikuma City.
Lead 'personality' Fujiwara-san and director Fujiwara-san (double-Fujiwara!) interviewed me at the Chikuma City satelite studio the other day. Their questions got a lot more personal than any TV or radio interview I've had so far. So if you are by your radio and in Nagano for lunch today, tune in!