最近のPRの「顔」 The "Face" of our Recent PR

2009.08.25: その他 Miscellaneous


痛い!亀清の建物・施設はそんなにひどいか?手造りの露天風呂もあるし、板長の料理の評判が温泉の中でTop 3に入るし、そして、亀清の建物の古さ、この木造の温もり、渡り廊下と離れ風のお部屋、中庭や露天風呂の周りの雑木林やあちらこちらの坪庭、それが亀清旅館の強みだと信じています。その強みの磨かなければならない所は沢山あるけれど、うまく磨く事によってタイラーの顔が二の次になると思いたいです。




そして、実は昨日に放送された地元の朝日長野放送と新潟のテレビ局のコロボレーションの番組、「セイン&ボビー 気まま旅 愛がいっぱい信越物語」に亀清旅館が紹介されました。これも、タイラーの顔が出たけど、私の手造りクッキーのお茶菓子や、手造りの露天風呂、そしてうちの板長の料理も紹介されました。



The other day, I asked one of my mentors here, an innkeeper from another ryokan, for some advice about a media inquiry. Nation-wide travel magazine Ryoko Yomiuri had called about featuring me in a column of their magazine. I was concerned that I was becoming too much of Kamesei Ryokan's "face" when I want the focus to be on our inn's warm wood construction, the baths, the gardens, our chef's cooking, etc. The other innkeeper told me bluntly that Kamesei's buildings, gardens and cooking aren't strong enough to be selling points -- all Kamesei has IS Tyler's face.

Ouch! Are our facilities really that bad? I for one believe are classic style, with the 'watari-roka' passageway taking you back to the detached guest rooms, with tsubo-niwa pocket gardens throughout, is Kamesei's strong point. A lot of polishing work still has to be done, but if done well, it will make for an strongly attractive inn. I want Kamesei to bigger than just me, the American innkeeper. His words are encouraging me to work harder to polish up our facitlities to put the recognition on the inn instead of me.

Anyways, the Ryoko Yomiuri magazine article about me will come out in their September 2nd issue. Some other recent media coverage about Kamesei have been a little more to my liking. Last night, local television station ABN showed a program featuring two "talents", Bobby and Thane, traveling around Niigata and Nagano. They featured our inn on the show -- not just me but the home-made cookies we serve with the tea and the hand-made outdoor bath, as well as our chef's meal.

And tomorrow, a culture / lifestyle magazine called "Carrel" from neighboring Niigata Prefecture will come to interview us and take pictures of our inn. While there will likely be some mention of me in the article, the focus is on traditional Japanese-style ryokans. That magazine will come out on September 20th.

So more and more, Kamesei's traditional building and the gardens are attracting more recognition -- this is a step in the right direction!

ABNの番組紹介はこちらClick here for info on the ABN tv program.

新潟雑誌 Carrel Magazine from Niigata


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