「戸倉駅に着きましたので送迎をお願いします」と言う電話が来ました。いつもの様にお迎えに行きました。そして、亀清に戻る途中でお客様にお聞きしました。直接で宿に行きますか?それか、せっかくお天気が良いので温泉街の上のお寺さんからの眺めを寄って行きましょうか? と言う訳で、今日はまた戸倉上山田温泉の「善光寺別院」に行きました。41年前に出来た建物の塗装がはげかけているけど、でかい提灯や天井の絵、そして、特に戸倉上山田温泉と千曲川の眺めが感動的。玄関や周りの灯篭が特徴です。日本の独特の「和」を感じます。
"We just arrived at Togura Station. Can you come and pick us up?" Here starts another afternoon. Another fun afternoon. After picking up the guests, I ask if they want to go directly to Kamesei, or if they would like to stop at the temple at the top of the hill behind the town to see the view. This temple is a "Betsu-In" (sub-temple) of the huge Zenkoji Temple in Nagano city. The building was constructed 41 years ago during the peak of our onsen town, but is starting to show its age with peeling paint and more. But it is still impressive with the giant chochin lantern and the dragon painting on the ceiling, as well as the view overlooking Togura Kamiyamada Onsen and the Chikuma River. And the 'toro' lanterns that line the steps have that classical 'Japan' feel.
Next to the temple is Okutsu Shrine, dedicated to couples who are trying to make babies. Accordingly, there are a couple of 'objects' on display. Unfortunately, photos aren't allowed, so I can't show a pic of the objects on this blog. But to give you an idea, the male 'object' is brought down to the bottom during our town's summer festival and is paraded around town by 40 people on a portable 'omikoshi' shrine.
The temple is a 5 minute drive from Kamesei and the town, or a brisk 25 minute walk.