屋代線さよなら及び姨捨特別列車 Yashiro Line 'Sayonara' & Special Obasute Train

2012.02.27: その他 Miscellaneous


戸倉上山田温泉周辺の鉄道はこの春、一つな悲しみがあります: 屋代駅と須坂駅をつなぐ長野電鉄屋代線は3月31日で廃線です。さよならイベント2つ、そして関係ない姨捨特別列車の情報をお知らせします:

1.長野電鉄「有難う」企画: 小学生無料


3.JR東日本 快速「ナイトビュー姨捨」
篠ノ井線姨捨駅からの夜景を楽しむ為の特別列車。4月と5月の10日間運転する予定です。18:48に長野駅を出発して、姨捨駅で51分待機して、帰りは20:59長野着。姨捨駅にいる間(19:33~20:24)は楽知会と1000 曲森の会のボランティアーガイドが案内(無料)する予定です。電車はリゾートビューふるさとです。

Railroad buffs here in Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada are a bit melancholy lately; the local Nagaden Yashiro Line is scheduled to be shut down as of April 1st. There are a couple of 'Sayonara' events scheduled. Following is information on those as well as an unrelated JR Obasute special event train.

1. Nagaden's Yashiro Line Arigato -- Kids ride free
In commemoration of the closing of the Yashiro Line, Nagaden is offering free rides for elementary school kids for 4 days, the next ones being March 3rd and 4th, this upcoming Saturday and Sunday. Kids can ride free all day between Yashiro and Suzaka stations.

2. Shinano Railway "Shiga Revival"
Back in the days before the Nagano Shinkansen, there occassionally were express trains called "Shiga" that ran all the way from Ueno Station in Tokyo, switching at Yashiro, to Yudanaka Station, the gateway to the Shiga Kogen ski area. As a partial "revival", Shinano Railway is offering a ride on one of the original orange and green trains from Karuizawa to Yashiro, hooking up with a separate train from Yashiro to Yudanaka. 2 runs a day for 4 days in March.

3. JR "Night View Obasute"
Special runnings of the Resort View Furusato Train during 10 evenings in April and May to take advantage of the beautiful night view from Obasute Station on the Shinonoi Line. Trains depart from Nagano Station. Volunteer guides will be on hand at Obasute Station to explain the view.

長野電鉄「ありがとう屋代線記念」Nagaden's Arigato Yashiro Line
しなの鉄道「志賀リバイバル」 Shinano Railway's Shiga Revival
JR「ナイトビュー姨捨」JR's Night View Obasute


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