客室庭の滝作り: 日本庭園のルール Building a Waterfall with Japanese Garden Rules

2012.11.13: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Start of the waterfall







As 2012 comes to a close, I am finally getting around to my project for the year: making a waterfall in the garden for Kamesei Ryokan's guestroom "Yayoi".

In order to make the waterfall, I have been researching Japanese garden waterfall techniques. I am finding there is a set of strict "rules" for waterfall construction.

First you start with the central "kagami-ishi", which means "mirror stone". It is placed standing up, leaning slightly forward, and has a flat face.

On either side are "takizoe-ishi", meaning "supporting" or "auxillary stones". They are slightly taller than the kagami-ishi and lean toward and support the central stone.

From there, smaller stones extend out and transition to the "gogan" (pond embankment). The gogan has its own set of rules, as well.

This project to build a waterfall for this garden is certainly turning into a learning experience!


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