宗教はタブー?それか、日常の生活に取り組むべき? Is Religion Taboo, Or Something to be Lived on a Daily Basis?

2014.05.10: 青い目のおもてなし This American’s Omotenashi







柴田さんは5月17日から東京で古川 周賢さん(東京大学の老大師と講演会のシリーズを開催するそうです。座禅を通じて、自分の日々の糧を得たらどうですか?


What is the sound of one hand clapping? The answer to that question may help you with your studies or work.

It is one of the classic questions monks of the Zen Buddhist tradition use to sharpen their minds. Our local Zen Temple, Kaigen-ji, offers meditation sessions every morning at 5am. I went with one of our sons but it had been so long that I was mentally rusty. Following the meditation session, the monk, Shibata-san, invited us for tea. There he explained his latest project.

(NOTE: It is said that topics such as "Religion" and "Politics" -- and here in Nagano, "Which is the best soba restaurant" are taboo, but allow me just this once to delve into "Religion".)

Shibata-san said that Buddhism is in danger of being relegated to a role as a purveyor of funerals in today's Japan. He is hoping to find a way to bring Buddhism into people's daily lives.

One was is through Zen meditation, which is actually superb mental training for study and work as well as just for religious reasons.

Hence, deeply pondering the sound of one hand clapping can be beneficial for students and business people.

Shibata-san will be offering a series of study sessions in Tokyo starting May 17th with Tokyo University prof Shuken Furukawa. If you can't make the lecture series, feel free to join me for 5am Zazen medition instead!



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