姨捨の長楽寺:若女将とデート Going on a Date to Obasute's Chorakuji with Mari

2010.09.04: その他 Miscellaneous

Mari's Choraku-ji debut


Kamesei's junior proprietress, my wife Mari, recently met the lady running Choraku-Ji Temple at Obasute, of moon-viewing fame. Yesterday Mari took me to meet Sano-san for a soba lunch that Sano-san prepared especially for us. Sano-san had been working outside the temple, but recently made the temple her main work, and she is apparently interested in contributing more to the area. Over soba, we discussed the possibilities of making Chorakuji a destination for a night tour. It might make a good addition to Kamesei's current Obasute Legends Night View Tour.

Soba lunch at Chorakuji

Choraku-ji's newly re-thatched roof

A room built specifically for moon viewing


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