(長野放送と言うテレビ局の千曲市代表として書いた分の一部です。This is part of a series I am doing for Nagano Broadcast TV Station's website, as the representative from Chikuma City.)
Togura Kamiyamada Onsen's foot bath made its debut on 19-October. It's located in the town's main park, and was built by the Kara-Koro civic advancement organization, hence the name, "Kara-Koro Foot Bath". ("Kara-Koro" is the sound wooden geta clogs make on the pavement, sort of like "clip-clop". It's a reference to trying to make the town livelier by getting people out and about walking.) The bath is a joint effort by the town as a whole -- it was designed by a local architect, trees were provided by the city, it was built by our local log house builder Murakoshi-san, the sign was made by the innkeepers, and the bath will be maintained by the townspeople -- a true community effort.
My son and I went ahead and tried out the bath. We've been to lots of foot baths at onsens across the prefecture. Some have a great view, but a very cheaply built pergoda. Others have a beautiful surround but the onsen water isn't very good. The Kara-Koro foot bath has a relaxing view of the koi pond and the trees of the park, Murakoshi-san's log house style surround has a wonderful feel to it, and the water, oh the water, is soothing. Of course, it is natural hot spring mineral water from Kamiyamada Onsen.
But the best thing of all was getting to chat with the other people who were soaking their feet with us. That's the magic of a foot bath -- people naturally tend to gather around it. And that's the reason why the Kara-Koro group made it. The foot bath isn't a goal in and of itself -- it's a tool. It brings people together, both in the making and the enjoyment of it. That's civic advancement.
カラコロ賑わい協議会のHPはこちら Click here for Kara-Koro website.
全体の写真はNBSのHPへClick here for a picture of the bath at the NBS website.