ユニーク長野の交渉:上田へ Negotiating for Unique Nagano: To Ueda

2010.05.14: その他 Miscellaneous

Great negotiations, Great lunch!

今日は上田市へ出かけました。目的は長野インバウンドサミットの仲間と上田紬の工房「小岩井」さんとの交渉。今年の目的は長野県のユニークな体験、海外からの旅行者が喜ばれる体験をまとめて何かの形でPRする事。戸隠の忍者、善光寺の文化、亀清旅館で提供しているLunch with a Geisha等など。その第一歩としては300年の歴史の有る、日本三大紬である上田紬の代表:小岩井紬工房の手織り体験。



My Nagano Inbound Summit cohorts and I went into Ueda City for negotiations for this year's goal. Our target is to combine several of Nagano's unique "taiken" experiences, like Togakushi ninjas, Zenkoji's cultural tour, not to mention Kamesei Ryokan's "Lunch with a Geisha", into a package that can be promoted to guests travelling from overseas. First step towards that goal is Ueda Tsumugi, a 300-year old tradition and one of Japan's 3 foremost silk weaving traditions. Andy, Ken and I met with Ryoma and Karina of Koiwai Tsumugi Workshop and discussed ways in which their loom weaving lessons can be offered to tourists from overseas. The discussions went very well, and a first test case of an Australian couple coming next week has been scheduled. I look forward to working with the Koiwai's to make their "tsumugi" lessons enjoyed by more foreign visitors in the future.

After the "negotiations", Andy, Ken and I went out for lunch. As Ueda is considered my neck of the woods, it was my responsibility to choose the restaurant. This was no small task, considering the standards that Ken-san had set with all the unique restaurants he has taken me to in the Matsumoto area. I decided to introduce them to Levain, the breadshop in Ueda's Edo-era "Yanagi" neighborhood. It's classic sake brewery construction and amazingly delicious bread scored some pretty high points with Ken and Andy. I just felt guilty that I haven't taken my wife Mari there yet!

Great "negotiations", great lunch -- it made for a great day!

ルヴァンのHPはこちらClick here for Levain's website.

上田紬の小岩井紬工房のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Koiwai Tsumugi Workshop

Levain's lunch -- absolutely delictable asparagus quiche

Koiwai's Silk Weaving Shop


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