まぁーずうまい Mahzu-good

2010.01.12: グルメFoodie

Kenさんとまぁーず(信州方言、「本当」って意味)ペースト Ken and his Mahzu (means "real" in Nagano dialect) paste


This coming fall, Japan Rail Group will feature Nagano Prefecture in a series of "Desitination Campaign" national advertising. For our part, the ryokan junior association has been asked to pick a type of food or cuisine to introduce during the campaign. As I am on the committee in charge, I participated in today's meeting to decide on the food to be introduced. Personally, I thought Nagano's various tsukemono pickles would be impressive to people visiting the prefecture, but that was voted down as not being sexy enough. The Ken-san from Masuya Ryokan in Tazawa Onsen, our junior association prefectural leader, had us taste a paste that had been developed in his region -- a mix of miso and sake "kasu". It was a hit! Look for more details on this new innovation soon!


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