これからの冬のイベント@戸倉上山田温泉 Upcoming Winter Events at Togura-Kamiyamada Onsen

2012.01.20: 温泉タウン戸倉上山田 Onsen Town Togura-Kamiyamada

Bean Throwing (and Catching) for Setsubun






節分(豆撒き)@善光寺大本願別院 2月3日(金)

灯明祭(ライトアップ) @善光寺・長野市 2月11-19日

節分草(花) @戸倉駅の上の天狗公園 3月中旬~下旬

森「杏の里」のあんず祭 4月3日~15日

イースターフェスティバルin戸倉上イやまだ温泉 4月7日(予定)

上山田の知識寺の春祭り 4月17日(火)

Grocery stores throughout the country are prominently displaying beans for sale.

Beans packaged with 'oni' goblin masks.

'Tis tims for Setsubun, the 'season-between-the-seasons', or the day in between the winter solstice and spring equinox. What this entails is a bean-throwing ceremony where people shout 'Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi' which basically means "Bad luck out, good luck in".

Households as well as communities around the country hold such ceremonies. Here in our onsen town Togura-Kamiyamada, the temple at the top of the hill behind town, the Zenkoji Branch Temple, holds our area's biggest bean throwing. All the men of an age a multiple of 12, as well as some of the geisha and a few politicians stand on the balcony and throw beans mixed with prizes to the people gathered below.

Info on that as well as other events coming up for the Togura-Kamiyamada area are as follows.

Setsubun @ Zenkoji Branch Temple, Feb. 3 (Fri.)
Flying beans and presents. Temple is a 25 min. walk up the hill behind Kamesei Ryokan.

Tomyo Festival @ Zenkoji (Nagano City) Feb. 11-19
Nagano City's venerable Zenkoji Temple lit up in the Olympic colors. The cobblestone street main approach is also decorated with hundreds of andon lanterns.
From Kamesei by car 60 minutes, or by train 25 min. from Togura Station to Nagano Station.

Setsubunsou Flowers (Togura Tengu Park) Mid to Late March
The cutest little white wildflowers, with pretty yellow and purple centers, bloom in a section of the hillside next to Tengu Park above Togura Station. They bloom after the snow cover melts, and attract many an avid photographer.
10 minutes by car from Kamesei Ryokan, 10 minutes on foot from Togura Station.

Apricot Blossoms, Mori "Apricot Vilage" Early to Mid April
This year's Apricot Blossom Festival will be held from April 3rd to the 15th in quaint, rural Mori. One of Chikuma City's signature events. The delicate light pink color of the apricot blossoms are spread out among the farmhouses in this rural valley.
25 minutes by car from Kamesei / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, or 10 minutes by shuttle bus from Yashiro Station.

Easter Festival in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, April 7th (tentative)
Me and some fellow foreigners share our culture with the local children, with a huge, 1000-egg Easter egg hunt at the Fountain Park along the Chikuma River here in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. Egg-related games and free horse buggy rides.

Chishiki-ji Temple's Spring Festival 4/17
A decidedly local traditional festival at a decidedly local temple. Absolutely 100% not touristy. Which makes it absolutetly 100% interesting for tourists from overseas, because it is a glimpse at local culture in rural Japan. I'll be there playing my flute with my fellow members of the Kamiyamada Lion Dance group.
5 minutes by car from Kamesei / Togura Kamiyamada Onsen, or 15 minutes on foot.

善光寺の灯明祭 Zenkoji's Tomyo Festival


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