I love photography. Both taking pictures as well as seeing pictures that other people have taken. I use a lot of my pictures for this blog, but today I am dedicating this entry to pictures taken by some of our guests. And also to pictures of some of our guests.
First of are these pictures by Tajiri-san from when he came during New Years. In his e-mail, he apologized for the poor quality. Eh? These are fantastic. I just wish his model was as cool in real life...
Fiona and Stefan came from Switzerland and took many pictures capturing various aspects of Japan's essence. Here's a pic by Fiona of Stefan practicing his German on Mrs. Tobita at Chishiki-ji.
You can see more of pic's here:
And finally, a picture from Gabriel when she and her beau visited from Spain. I took them to our Okagura lion dance practice -- as you can see, they really got into the traditional culture.
That's it for now for pictures from our guests. And now, it's time for pictures OF our guests. I finally updated the "Guests Pic's" page on our website. You can see some snapshots of some of the many fabulous guests we have been fortunate to host here at Kamesei.