千曲市・戸倉上山田温泉「四季彩々」春2012 Togura Kamiyamada's Spring 2012 Brochure

2012.03.05: その他 Miscellaneous

Spring 2012 Brochure with Geisha Show debut


今回、一番嬉しいのは新しい商品が登場しました:芸者ショー。  亀清旅館で外国人観光客小グループが来る時に、三味線一人とたちかた1人を呼んで、30~40分の芸者ショーを時々やっています。芸寮組合と交渉して、全お客さん向きのちゃんとした商品になりました。今回の式彩々でデビュー!


Chikuma City's Tourism Association has released the Spring 2012 edition of its quarterly brochure. (Guess who is the vice-chairperson of the PR committee -- me!)

For this edition, the item I am most proud of is the new Geisha Show. Here at Kamesei Ryokan we had been organizing these mini Geisha shows for small groups of foreigners. With a little negotiation, the "show" has become official, and has made its debut in the quarterly brochure with this edition.

For anyone interested in the brochure, feel free to inquire here at Kamesei.


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