旅行新聞の「若手経営者・こんな宿にしたい」特集でどっかで見た事がある様な顔・・・ Ryoko Shimbun's Special Report, Featuring...

2009.11.22: メディア Media



The November 21st edition of the Ryoko Shimbun, Japan's travel industry's leading weekly newspaper, has a special feature article entitled: "Young Ryokan proprietors / proprietress round table discussion 'This is the type of Inn I want to Make'".
The discussion members were Inoue-san, the national leader of the junior ryokan association, Fukazawa-san, and inspirational coach from an inn in Kanagawa, Shizuka-san from a temple lodging in Koyasan, and, well, the blue-eyed American innkeeper from this small inn in Togura Kamiyamada Onsen. I think the four of us came up with some dynamic ideas for the future of Japanese ryokans. It's definitely worth a read, so get your hands on a copy!

(I have to admit, seeing my face blown up on the front page like that was quite a surprise!)

旅行新聞のHPはこちらClick here for the website of Ryoko Shimbun.


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