上山田のもう1つの宝物:サクランボウ Another Kamiyamada Treasure: Cherries

2010.06.24: 季節 Seasons

I had heard rumours that some farmer was growing cherries in Kamiyamada. Just recently I found out who -- my fellow okagura lion dance buddy Watashima-san. Yesterday I took some guests from Singapore to go see the cherry orchard. They were so excited to see the fruit on the trees. "In Singapore, we never get a chance to see this. We Singaporeans love to visit orchards." I hate to tell you, but it's not just Singaporeans -- we Americans love fruit trees, too. Especially cherry trees! I am so excited to find out about Watashima-san's orchard here in Kamiyamada!
However, one piece of bad news: Watashima-san's cherries are so popular, the U-Pick for this season is already booked out. So that just gives us something to look forward to next year.

渡島さんの農場の連絡先は下記です。場所はマップをご参照に。Watashima-san's Contact number is as below. Location is as per the map.

Cherries as far as the eye can see!

Under cover from the rain and inside netting from the birds

Orhcard Envy from Singapore


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