2024年8月月から12月末まで、亀清旅館で大きな工事しました。From August to December 2024, we here at Kamesei Ryokan did a huge construction project. 使ってなかった物置スペースを改装して、個室の食事会場を作りました。中庭が眺めて、中は吹き抜けにしたので快適な和モダン空間が出来ました。私たちにとっては大きな工事でしたので、大工さん達に感謝、ここまで支えてくださったお客様に感謝、記念にその流れの写真をシェアします。We remodeled some under-used storage rooms and built two private dining spaces. They look out over the koi pond, and on the inside we removed the interim floor for cathedral ceilings, creating an airy and spacious room. We want to thank all the carpenters for their hard work, and for all the guests who have supported us over the years. Here is a photo montage of the project.
アフター(新設の個室)After: one of the private dining roomsビフォー 8月のお盆過ぎ、足場設置 Before: Putting up the scaffolding, late August中の壁の取り壊しから(私の手作業)Starting with demolishing the interior wall (my handiwork)古い瓦の取り外し(古い土も)Removing the old kawara roof tiles (and the underlying dirt)屋根の下地直しRepairing the roof substructure瓦の新しい下地 石井瓦屋さんと現場監督(?)、うちの倅アンディ New slats for the roof tiles. Ishii Roofers and job site foreman (?), our oldest son Andy2階を支えている柱と梁の中身 The makeup of the post and beams that supported the 2nd floor内装解体後、1F after inside demolition内装解体後、2F after inside demolition古い電線 Old knob-and-tube wiring宮下大工が天井裏の断熱材と下地を Our carpenter, Miyashita, working on the ceiling’s insulation and substructure1Fの土間 Pouring the concrete for the foundation東側の壁の下地 Prepping the wall on the east side窓の周り縁、北側2F Window structure on the north side, 2nd floor南側2Fの窓の周り縁 Window framing for 2nd floor south sideトタン塗り直し Repainting the metal roof新しく取り付けるトタンの下地(上は私が塗り直した部分) Sheathing for the new section of metal roofing. (Above is the part I repainted.)天井が仕上がって来た Ceiling nearing completion新しいトタン New metal roofing塗装の上野さん Ueno-san, the stain guru新しい柱 New posts天井の仕上がり finishing the ceiling壁は伝統の漆喰 Walls are done with traditional “shikkui” plaster床の下地 Floor substructureシーリングファン(電気屋の青木さん、有難う!) Ceiling fan a la Aoki-san the electrician外壁の漆喰 Plastering the outer wall西側の壁…どうしょう? The wall on the west side … what are we going to do?宮下大工と中庭側の壁 Miyashita the carpenter prepping the wall facing the garden2Fの外壁の漆喰は完成。綺麗になったよ! 2nd floor outer wall plastering finished. Such a fine job!宮下大工、夜鍋 Miyashita the carpenter burning the midnight oil吹き抜け! Opened up with cathedral ceiling1F北側の窓の周り縁 Window framing for north side of the 1st floor北側の1Fの壁下地 prepping the outer wall on the north side of the 1st floor.耐震 Earthquake-proofing漆喰の下地 Prepping for more plastering裏側の「ビフォー」 The “Before” shot of the backsideペンキ塗り(私の出番)Starting to paint (my handiwork)北側の入り口 Entrance door for north side西側はこんなに綺麗に The west side turned out this beautifully腰壁が出来、上野さんは塗装続き Wainscoting is finished; Ueno-san continues with the staining駐車場のブロックの準備 prepping for the paving stonesアンディが花壇作り(古い瓦の再利用)Andy working in the flower bed, re-using old roof tilesカフェカウンター作成 Making the cafe counter青木忍者がシーリングファンを Ninja Aoki installing the ceiling fan東側のアプローチMaking the approach for the east side北側完了 North side is finished庭師の大野親子が東側の石畳を敷く Father and son gardeners the Ohnos laying out the stones for the east entrance東側の壁の漆喰下地 上の部分は私がペンキを塗った Prepping the eastern wall for plastering. (The upper part was painted by yours truly. )裏側の漆喰が続く Plasterwork continuing on the back side設備屋の酒井さん達がカウンターシンクの配管を Plumbers Sakai-san and partner installing the counter sink宮下大工が駐車場のブロックを Miyashita carpenter laying the paving stones駐車場が完了(雪で綺麗)Pavers finished, then dusted by snowA/C13年前 (そのコンクリート地獄 13 years ago (concrete hell). Google Street View今日 Today裏は今まで見苦しくて近所に迷惑かけてました。恥ずかしかった。やっと綺麗に。The back side, so pristine — finally!中の様子。床は竹材。The inside. Flooring is bamboo.目標を足しました We succeeded!