覚えれば覚えるほど、覚える事がまだまだ多いって覚える:女郎花 The More You Learn, the More You Learn There is More to Learn: Patrinia "Gold Lace"

2009.09.15: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

The other day, local historian Otani-san came to Kamesei. As we talked, in the middle of the conversation he stopped and asked where we got the yellow flowers that were on display in our lobby. I explained that our gardener, Okada-san, had trimmed them from our outdoor bath's garden and since it would be a wast to throw them away, he had us put them in our lobby's flower vase. Otani-san was shocked -- "You mean, you have this flower growing in your outdoor bath's garden?!?!" Apparently, Patrinia scabiosifolia "Gold Lace" is a rarity from old times. In his historical studies, Otani-san had found that the haiku great, Bassho, had seen the flower in his travels to this area and had written about it. And here I've been pretty much oblivious to it.
It's been almost 4 years now since we moved here, and in that time I've been actively trying to learn as much as possible about the area. But instances like this Gold Lace flower just go to show how much more I have learn.

Otani-san's "Journey to Sarashina" series of historical essays is posted on Sarashina Elementary School's website. #100 is about Gold Lace. Very well-written and carefully researched essays -- they will be my new source for learning.

更級への旅のHP "Journey to Sarashina" Website


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