冬の朝5時座禅は終わってからでも夜景 Nightview After a Wintertime 5am Zazen

2012.12.03: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

6am sunrise Following 5am Zazen.







One of Kamesei Ryokan's stay plans is:

"Reset Plan: 5am Zazen Meditation"

To be honest, this plan hardly ever sells. Even if people are interested in zazen meditation, getting up at 5am apparently is too high of hurdle. Especially in the winter, 5am is bitterly cold here in Nagano.

However, 5am is the most silent time of the day, perfect for resetting one's daily life through meditation.

The other day, a guest from Australia expressed interest in doing zazen. So the two of us woke up early and braved the cold, and enjoyed a session of mediation at Kaigen-ji Temple's zazen room.

After the session, we went back outside and I was surprised to find that it was still dark enough to be able to enjoy the nightlights of Nagano City from Kaigen-ji's viewpoint overlooking the Zenkoji Plain.

One of the side benefits of doing 5am zazen meditation.


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