亀清旅館の顔: このクロマツ Kamesei Ryokan's Face: This Black Pine

2011.07.03: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Kamesei's black pine






At Kamesei Ryokan's entrance is this 'kuromatsu' Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.). Last night, the gardeners who give this tree its yearly trim stayed at our inn. When I stopped by their banquet to greet them, the old boss told the story of how he came to work on our pine tree:

"Back in the old days, I used to work on the garden of a nearby inn. Every time I passed by Kamesei, I would think, 'Wow, what a spectacular pine tree. It has such a classical shape, any gardener would want to work with it.' And by happenstance, one day Kamesei's old proprietress asked me to do its trimming.
Back then, all the inns had passageways with gardens on either side. Since then, they've been replaced by multi-story steel-concrete boxes. Kamesei's the only one with the classic inn's layout left."

I, too, like the pine tree. Last fall, I made the wooden sign to complement it, and will eventually remove the steel one. The gardeners agreed -- the steel sign is in the way of the pine tree.


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