露天風呂に新しい看板 New Sign for the Outdoor Bath

2009.05.18: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan


Most open air "rotenburo" baths are located directly outside the inside baths. However, when I built the one outside Kamesei's main inside bath, I had to put the entrance off the clothes-changing room since the emergency stairs blocked the access from the main bath. I put a little sign up to show the guests the location, but apparently it's too small. There have been numerous times when guests have said, "What? There was an outdoor bath?" I'm sure the guests were disappointed they missed it, but it was frustrating for me, too, considering all the work that went in to making that bath.
Anyways, I went ahead and made a new and improved sign for the bath. I had just the perfect piece of wood for it, stained it, and painted the wording. Now hopefully all of our guests will be able to enjoy Kamesei's "100 Year Bath" outdoor bath!


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