雲が良いと言いながら、この糞は?亀清の玄関にツバメの巣 A swallow's nest may bring good fortune, but a lot of poop, too.

2011.06.30: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Bird Bombers




A swallow has took up residence in a nest close to Kamesei Ryokan's front door. The mama bird is busy feeding and taking care of her babies. Even in the animal world, that motherly instinct is impressive.

In Japan, it's considered to be a sign of good fortune for swallows to build a nest at your house. I'm not sure about the good fortune, but I do know the nests mean a lot of messy bird poop. However, taking down the nest would jinx us for sure. So we're just biding our time, cleaning up the poop, and waiting for the baby birds to grow up and move out.

The nest is just to the right of our front door. If you walk below it, I highly suggest avoiding the urge to look up.


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