亀清のトイレ改造工事x2 Kamesei Bathroom Remodel x2

2010.11.06: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan

Banquet room's toilet under construction


旅館の経営者の永遠の悩みは限られた予算の中で、どこから改造をするかと。今年の分は決めました: 2ヶ所のトイレの改造工事。



亀清旅館は直す所がまだまだ沢山ある。山ほどある。(沢「山」だから「山ほど」?すみません、アメリカ人ギャグでした。) でも、こうやって、少しずつ改造していきます。

Kamesei Ryokan has been making improvements to our inn every year. We put in a wood burning stove in the lobby, made 2 outdoor baths, replaced roof tiles, tore down concrete block walls and put up nice wooden fences, etc., etc.

As a ryokan proprietor, one of our constant headaches is how to decide what to fix next with our limited budget. This year's projects have been decided: 2 bathroom remodels.

The first is for one of our semi-detached guestrooms, 'Matsukaze'. It's old toilet was cramped and the floor was getting weaker. So we're remodelling it to make it brighter and more spacious, and adding a mini-powder room.

The second is for our main banquet room. Up until now, the banquet guests have had to walk down the stairs and back up again everytime they used the toilet. Now with this new toilet remodel, they'll be able to use one adjacent to the hall.

With an old inn like Kamesei, it's always a challenge to prioritize what needs fixing next. But every year we keep chipping away at the list, making improvements that will hopefully lead to a more enjoyable experience for our guests.

Matsukaze's toilet '-ing'


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