オンリーワンと言いたくないけど、オンリーワンとテーブル One-of-a-kind Table

2009.07.10: 亀清旅館 Kamesei Ryokan



I am remaking one of our guestrooms from "Matsukaze" (which means 'pine' and 'wind', and could just as well be a guestroom name from an inn in Hokkaido or Okinawa as well as Nagano) to "Tsumugi". The Tsumugi concept refers to the local silk production and weaving tradition. As part of the remake, I built this table incorporating a bamboo and straw tray that had been used to grow silk worms. One of our relatives that used to grow silk worms gave me the tray, and I made the table base myself, and used the glass top off of a coffee table I bought at a used goods store. Voila! A new table perfect for the "Tsumugi" theme.

Recently, I was given the "advice" by an older gentleman that in order to survive, Kamesei Ryokan has to do something "one-of-a-kind". I beg your pardon, but practically everything I do is "one-of-a-kind", including this new table. It's a matter of if the guests appreciate this uniqueness or not. Only time will tell!


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