Flair@上田のアニバーサリー Flair Cocktails at Anniversary in Ueda

2010.02.01: グルメFoodie

Shino-san's Flair


Last night, our family was looking for a place for dinner, and our friend Go! introduced us to a restaurant in Ueda called Anniversary. In their lounge was a bright red Lamborghini. That won points with me right away. I thought, "What could be cooler than that?" I soon found out -- Shino-san!
Shino-san is a Flair Cocktail champion. We ordered one for our kids, and wasn't quite sure what to expect. After Shino-san was ready, we gathered down by the bar. The restaurant lights were dimmed, a spotlight shown down on Shino-san as the dance music was turned up, and Shino-san proceeded to give us her Flair Cocktail Show. Dancing to the music, she twirled and spun around with the bottles, first one in the air, then a second, then 3 bottles flying around simultaneously, with Shino-san catching them on the palm of her hand and doing all kinds of funky tricks. Then the grand finale -- with one quick move she made 3 drinks of separate colors for our 3 kids, all instantaneously. It was incredible!
I can see how Shino-san was able to win the Flair Cocktail championship -- not just the moves, but her smile and charisma really won us over.

Anniversary is located in Ueda along the way to the Asama Sun Line road to Karuizawa. They opened up a 2nd store in Unnomachi, Ueda's main shopping street.

Dining&Cafe Anniversary website

Ogling the Lambo


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