まぁーず研修 Mahz Research

2012.05.18: グルメFoodie

Various Mahz




右下: スタンダードまぁーず。
右上: 舞茸まぁーず
左上: ゆず胡椒
左下: らぁーず (まぁーず+ラー油)
中信: ホワイトソースまぁーず(洋風)



Japan has one of the longest life expectancy rate in the world. Within Japan, Nagano's is especially long. There's been a lot of research on this matter, and one conclusion is that perhaps it's because people in Nagano eat a lot of fermented food, like miso, sake and sake lees, and pickled vegetables. The ryokan junior association has taken those 3 and combined them for a new sauce dubbed 'Mahz'.

Our chef here at Kamesei Ryokan of course uses Mahz for one of his dishes (currently Mahz over marbled beef). But the originator of Mahz and the undisputed Mahz master is Miyahara-san, the proprietor of Masuya Ryokan in Tazawa Onsen.

At our recent junior innkeeper association gathering there, Miyahara-san treated us to a sampling of Mahz. As per the picture,
Bottom right -- standard Mahz
Top right -- Mahz with maitake mushrooms
Top left -- Mahz with yuzu (lime) pepper
Bottom left -- Rahz (Mahz with Rayu spiced oil)
Center -- Mahz with white sauce (a western version)

My favorite was the Maitake Mahz.

It will be fun to see how the Mahz sauce develops from here.

まぁーず Mahz


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