70際の誕生日お祝いにお神楽 An Okagura 70th Birthday Celebration

2009.08.08: 上山田お神楽 Kamiyamada Lion Dance

亀清と仲良い会社の社長の70歳誕生日のお祝いで亀清旅館で25人ぐらいの宴会が行われた。特別なお祝いで特別なエンタティンメントを呼びたかったらしいです。そして、春に出来た「戸倉上山田温泉ONE DAY tour体験プログラム」で「上山田お神楽鑑賞とチョコっと体験」を見て、問い合わせしてきました。上山田神楽保存会の皆が喜んで集まって、社長と皆さんの為に獅子舞とお祓いしました。




A company president from an outfit that we deal with pretty closely just turned 70 years old. His family threw a special birthday banquet for him here at Kamesei. His children wanted to do something special, and had seen that the Kamiyamada Okagura Lion Dance group offers to perform for such occasions. Our group was happy to oblige.

A salesmen from one of our town's largest ryokans had told me before that the Okagura Lion Dance is a great match for these types of banquets. With other forms of entertainment, the guests just sit back passively and watch (or, more likely, ignore). With Okagura, the lion engages the guests by coming around and blessing each person on the head. It has a real bonding effect among the guests -- and that is the real goal of a lot of these types of banquets.

Tonight we saw that take place at the birthday banquet. The president and his family and friends really seemed to enjoy the lion dance.


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